High Density Mobile Storage Systems

Cut storage space by 50% with the same capacity

Denver and some Colorado metropolitan business is space limited.  Office space is valuable and finite.  If you need items at hand and yet want to devote more space to people, an important strategic concept is to use Mobile Storage Systems.  Instead of using fixed shelves or files, you can cut space requirements by 50% to 60% when you use high density, movable aisle, mobile storage systems.

Types of items with high density storage solutions

Storage needs such as library books, industrial parts, retail goods, file folders, office supplies, military, weapons, ammunition, archival records, art collections, museum specimens, athletic equipment, evidence, pharmacy, and hospital items take less space to store when you use High Density Mobile Storage Systems.

From Indoff - North Denver Urban Branch, you get:
•   Modular components for design freedom
•   Heavy-duty quality for long life
•   Easy assembly and disassembly
•   More standard sizes and styles
•   Recycled steel content (40%) and a document-safe finish with no volatile organic compounds harmful to the environment
•   A Limited Lifetime Warranty
•   Custom design assistance

Storage Systems Compliant with your State's Building Codes

Indoff is particularly well versed in the unique build concepts required for your State. We are thoroughly familiar with the seismic building codes, anchorage and anti-tip specs, and ADA requirements. 

Plus we have a long history of effectively working either directly with you, our client, or prime contractors for both new buildings and tenant improvements.  We provide wet signature drawings and calculations required for permits (if needed) and our seismic engineering service team can assist in floor strengthening recommendations if installation is expected on upper floors or above a sub building garage.
0154 - High Density Mobile Storage Systems - Courthouse Records
High Density Mobile Storage - Courthouse Records
0155 - High Density Mobile Art, Museum Storage System
High Density Art Storage/Viewing
0156 - High Density Mobile Storage System with Hanging, Large Drawing Format Files
High Density Mobile Storage System with Hanging, Large Drawing Format Files

Indoff - North Denver Urban Branch
2373 Central Park Blvd., Ste. 100
Denver, CO 80238

(Design Center - By Appointment Only)
(303) 997-2048   or  (970) 236-1272